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Esperanza Rivera de Torre


Updated: Jul 27, 2023

As the summer sun blazes, knitting can become a less appealing pastime, especially for those of us who favor wool. Hands grow sweaty, large garments warm our laps uncomfortably, and the overall knitting experience can be far less cozy than we'd like.

Luckily, we knitters are an inventive bunch, often filling our time with a variety of hobbies. When my knitting needles are set aside, I love to engage in the immersive world of board games—a passion that precedes my love for knitting.

Knitting, the Card Game
Knitting, the Card Game

As a seasoned player, I prefer strategy-heavy board games that command attention and provoke thought. Among my cherished collection, the dungeon crawler 'Gloomhaven' holds a special place, as does the engaging Star Wars Rebellion. I find the evolution of the legacy game 'Pandemic' thrilling, and of course, the evergreen 'Magic The Gathering' never fails to entertain. The recent release of their Lord of The Rings edition has certainly captured this nerd's heart. Yet, I also appreciate a good filler game, those quick, light-hearted challenges that perfectly wrap up an after-dinner gathering or a casual hangout with friends.

In this article, however, I'd like to take you on a journey through a niche I've discovered within the realm of board games—those centered around the theme of knitting. It's a delightful intersection of my two beloved hobbies, and I'm excited to share some of my discoveries with you.

Patchwork Nordic

Patchwork Nordic
Patchwork Nordic

Let's start with a brilliant game called 'Patchwork Nordic'. Just like the timeless art of quilting, this game requires strategic thinking and an aesthetic eye. You and your opponent take turns purchasing tetris-like patches of varying shapes, sizes and costs from a central market. You aim to arrange these knitted patches on your own board (a grid representing your quilt) for the most aesthetically pleasing and point-earning configuration. It's a direct nod to the artistry of knitting as players grapple with similar decisions we face in our craft: balancing color, texture, and pattern while working within our means.

Patchwork Nordic
Patchwork Nordic



'Dixit' might not be a knitting-themed game per se, but its lush, suggestive illustrations are perfect for kindling the imagination of knitters. The whimsical and sometimes abstract imagery on the cards often evokes thoughts of vibrant yarn colorways, intricate knitting patterns, or even certain techniques.


When played among knitters, 'Dixit' becomes a tapestry woven with common terminology and shared experiences. Clues like "The joy of casting off a complex lace shawl" or "The hue of the merino wool from our last yarn festival" brings a unique spin to the game and celebrate our mutual love for the craft. This added layer of depth makes 'Dixit' an engaging and enjoyable experience for knitting enthusiasts.

Knitting, the card game

Knitting, the card game
Knitting, the card game

I must confess I have not played this one. It was launched on Kickstarter in 2019 and was funded pretty fast (go, knitters!). It is a card-collecting game for up to four players in which you have to collect yarn cards, cast on projects, use your yarn to advance the projects, and collect points every time you finish a garment. It looked fresh and fun, and I hope to get my hands on it one day!

Knitting, the card game
Knitting, the card game

Wrap Up and Cast off

As we navigate the summer months, remember that our knitting spirit needn't be stifled by the heat. Exploring knitting-themed board games offers an engaging alternative, allowing us to express our love for the craft in a novel way. It's the perfect solution for a hot summer day or any time you wish to combine strategic thinking with the thematic charm of our beloved hobby.

So, while our woolen projects might hibernate during these sizzling months, let's seize the opportunity to embark on new adventures at the gaming table. Trust me; it's a 'reel' fun way to spend your time! Happy gaming, and as always, happy knitting!


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